Make sure your windows are ready for the open house!

The windows make a difference when you are selling your house.

You may not think much about your windows, but if you are looking to sell a house, then you need to invest some time to make sure that your windows are clean and in good condition before your open house. This will provide a good starting point to the look and appeal of your house when you start to get visitors for the open house. While it may not make a difference when your windows are ready, it will certainly get you some negative feedback from visitors if you don’t take some time to care for your windows.

Make sure all of the panes are in good condition and unbroken.

It can be easy to ignore a small chip or even a broken pane when you are just trying to deal with all of the concerns that you have in your life, but when you are getting ready for an open house, you need to make sure that you have dealt with every small detail for the windows. Even if it is a small chip in the corner, you will need to make sure that you replace the pane with enough time for the caulking to dry and get painted so that it can dry before the open house so that it can be shown without any indication that it had been repaired at all.

Nobody likes to clean windows, but sometimes you just have to do it.

While the people who come to your house for an open house may not keep their windows clean, you can be certain that they will be looking to make sure that your windows are clean when they are deciding if they are interested in your house. Because of this, you will want to make sure that you take the time to make sure that your windows are cleaned on the inside as well as the outside. This will provide your visitors with the assurance that you care enough about the condition of your house to keep the windows clean. It may not always be the case, but it will be enough to reassure your visitors.

If your open house is coming up, then you need to get started on your preparations now.


While there are many concerns that you need to deal with in getting ready for an open house, you will find that taking care of your windows can be one of the simplest ways to improve the quality of your home for an open house. Make sure that you are aware of how much time that you need to get the job done right so that there are not any tell tale signs of a quick repair job. If you have high windows, you may want to look into getting a power washer so that you can cut down on the work time and reach those higher windows. Get started and make those windows as clean as you can.

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